Rāda: Bermuda - Pastmarkas (1980 - 1989) - 195 marka.

[The 60th Anniversary of the Birth of Queen Elizabeth II, veids NJ] [The 60th Anniversary of the Birth of Queen Elizabeth II, veids NK] [The 60th Anniversary of the Birth of Queen Elizabeth II, veids NL] [The 60th Anniversary of the Birth of Queen Elizabeth II, veids NM] [The 60th Anniversary of the Birth of Queen Elizabeth II, veids NN]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
491 NJ 15C 0,54 - 0,54 - USD  Info
492 NK 40C 0,81 - 0,81 - USD  Info
493 NL 50C 0,81 - 0,81 - USD  Info
494 NM 60C 1,08 - 1,08 - USD  Info
495 NN 1.50$ 3,25 - 3,25 - USD  Info
491‑495 6,49 - 6,49 - USD 
[International Stamp Exhibition "Ameripex '86" - Chicago, USA, veids NO] [International Stamp Exhibition "Ameripex '86" - Chicago, USA, veids NP] [International Stamp Exhibition "Ameripex '86" - Chicago, USA, veids NQ] [International Stamp Exhibition "Ameripex '86" - Chicago, USA, veids NR]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
496 NO 15C 1,62 - 0,27 - USD  Info
497 NP 40C 2,17 - 0,81 - USD  Info
498 NQ 50C 2,17 - 1,08 - USD  Info
499 NR 1$ 4,33 - 3,25 - USD  Info
496‑499 10,29 - 5,41 - USD 
[International Stamp Exhibition "Ameripex '86" - Chicago, USA, veids ]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
500 NS 1.50$ 13,00 - 13,00 - USD  Info
500 13,00 - 13,00 - USD 
[The 25th Anniversary of World Wildlife Fund, veids NT]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
501 NT 90C 4,33 - 4,33 - USD  Info
1987 Transport - Bermuda Railway

22. janvāris SV: 7 Perforēšana: 14

[Transport - Bermuda Railway, veids NU] [Transport - Bermuda Railway, veids NV] [Transport - Bermuda Railway, veids NW] [Transport - Bermuda Railway, veids NX]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
502 NU 15C 1,62 - 0,54 - USD  Info
503 NV 40C 1,62 - 1,08 - USD  Info
504 NW 50C 2,17 - 1,62 - USD  Info
505 NX 1.50$ 4,33 - 4,33 - USD  Info
502‑505 9,74 - 7,57 - USD 
[Bermuda Paintings - Works by Winslow Homer, veids NY] [Bermuda Paintings - Works by Winslow Homer, veids NZ] [Bermuda Paintings - Works by Winslow Homer, veids OA] [Bermuda Paintings - Works by Winslow Homer, veids OB] [Bermuda Paintings - Works by Winslow Homer, veids OC] [Bermuda Paintings - Works by Winslow Homer, veids NY1] [Bermuda Paintings - Works by Winslow Homer, veids NZ1] [Bermuda Paintings - Works by Winslow Homer, veids OA1] [Bermuda Paintings - Works by Winslow Homer, veids OB1] [Bermuda Paintings - Works by Winslow Homer, veids OC1]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
506 NY 15C 0,81 - 0,27 - USD  Info
507 NZ 30C 1,08 - 0,54 - USD  Info
508 OA 40C 1,08 - 0,81 - USD  Info
509 OB 50C 1,08 - 0,81 - USD  Info
510 OC 1.50$ 3,25 - 3,25 - USD  Info
511 NY1 40C 1,08 - 1,08 - USD  Info
512 NZ1 40C 1,08 - 1,08 - USD  Info
513 OA1 40C 1,08 - 1,08 - USD  Info
514 OB1 40C 1,08 - 1,08 - USD  Info
515 OC1 40C 1,08 - 1,08 - USD  Info
506‑515 12,70 - 11,08 - USD 
[The 50th Anniversary of Inauguration of Bermuda-U.S.A. Air Service, veids OD] [The 50th Anniversary of Inauguration of Bermuda-U.S.A. Air Service, veids OE] [The 50th Anniversary of Inauguration of Bermuda-U.S.A. Air Service, veids OF] [The 50th Anniversary of Inauguration of Bermuda-U.S.A. Air Service, veids OG]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
516 OD 15C 1,62 - 0,27 - USD  Info
517 OE 40C 3,25 - 0,81 - USD  Info
518 OF 50C 4,33 - 1,08 - USD  Info
519 OG 1.50$ 8,67 - 4,33 - USD  Info
516‑519 17,87 - 6,49 - USD 
[The 100th Anniversary of Bermuda Telephone Company, veids OH] [The 100th Anniversary of Bermuda Telephone Company, veids OI] [The 100th Anniversary of Bermuda Telephone Company, veids OJ] [The 100th Anniversary of Bermuda Telephone Company, veids OK]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
520 OH 15C 0,81 - 0,27 - USD  Info
521 OI 40C 1,62 - 0,81 - USD  Info
522 OJ 50C 2,17 - 0,81 - USD  Info
523 OK 1.50$ 4,33 - 3,25 - USD  Info
520‑523 8,93 - 5,14 - USD 
[Transport - Horse-drawn Carts and Wagons, veids OL] [Transport - Horse-drawn Carts and Wagons, veids OM] [Transport - Horse-drawn Carts and Wagons, veids ON] [Transport - Horse-drawn Carts and Wagons, veids OO]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
524 OL 15C 0,81 - 0,54 - USD  Info
525 OM 40C 1,08 - 0,81 - USD  Info
526 ON 50C 1,08 - 1,08 - USD  Info
527 OO 1.50$ 3,25 - 3,25 - USD  Info
524‑527 6,22 - 5,68 - USD 
1988 Old Garden Roses

21. aprīlis SV: 6 Perforēšana: 13¾

[Old Garden Roses, veids OP] [Old Garden Roses, veids OQ] [Old Garden Roses, veids OR] [Old Garden Roses, veids OS] [Old Garden Roses, veids OT]
Nr. Veids D Piparmētru nosacījums Nelietots Lietots Vēstule/FDC
528 OP 15C 0,54 - 0,27 - USD  Info
529 OQ 30C 0,81 - 0,54 - USD  Info
530 OR 40C 1,08 - 0,81 - USD  Info
531 OS 50C 1,08 - 1,08 - USD  Info
532 OT 1.50$ 3,25 - 3,25 - USD  Info
528‑532 6,76 - 5,95 - USD 


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